Happy 2024! To anyone who comes across this old user group site in the future, unfortunately the SIGGRAPH chapter has been shut down and the energy refocused. We had a good run!
But, there are a couple/3 groups still doing events for our community –
AEPDX is now being run by the good folks at Deep Sky Studios, and they have been actively hosting events that span visual effects, motion design, and computer art. Job fairs and demo reel screenings, too!
There is a professionals-only Visual Effects Society chapter that hosts regular screenings and the like.
And there is the casual Pints & Pixels group that chats on Facebook and meets for the occasional drink. This FB group has been shifted to private, and you may need to prove to them that you’re local when applying.
Finally, the old 3DPDX group is still active on LinkedIn, and although it doesn’t see much in the way of posts these days, it does boast a huge local membership and could certainly still foster a conversation.
Also, nearish to VFX there are also groups such as – OMPA, ASIFA, and PIGSquad.
Good luck out there!
VFX/PDX is now Portland SIGGRAPH!
Since I founded VFX/PDX in 2012, it has served as the Portland area user group for all things VFX. In cooperation with 3DPDX and AEPDX, VFX/PDX brought us together through events that were entertaining, relevant, and substantial. No matter if your weapon of choice was Nuke, Houdini, After Effects, Mocha, Resolve, and so on – we took time to increase awareness, demo new techniques, and appreciate artists and studios using these tools to produce great work in Portland and beyond.
As we approach 2020, it’s time for a new chapter… literally. We are thrilled to announce that VFX/PDX and 3DPDX are merging to form the Portland SIGGRAPH chapter, and that our initial board is a dream team of Portland community makers. This expanded team is unified in our mission to get together and “shop it up” like never before, while remaining volunteer, non-profit, and free for all. Boom! Just like the explosion in the old VFX/PDX logo… sometimes you have to blow things up to make things better, and I hope the VFX/PDX spirit will live on as a successful and organized SIGGRAPH chapter for years to come.
Plug in at http://portland.siggraph.org
SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Fest Screening + Minimal Massive! June 21
0As a part of the upcoming OMSI Animation Festival, we are extremely excited to be screening the 2018 SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival Traveling Show! This program catches the year’s best computer graphic animation and achievements, sourced worldwide and highly concentrated into the maximum dosage you’re allowed to intake in one evening. Here’s a preview trailer of the show, with a glimpse of what’s inside.

SIGGRAPH representative Larry Bafia, a former Portlander currently residing in Vancouver BC, will join us to present this program. In addition to the films included in this year’s traveling showcase, viewers will also see snippets of the latest Technical Papers research and the festival’s VR Theater selections, as well as a “Generations” highlight reel of past Electronic Theater selections. The SIGGRAPH conference was held in Vancouver, B.C. for 2018 and welcomed more than 16,500 global attendees. For 2019, the conference returns to Los Angeles.

But wait! That’s not all… tastefully paired will be some local high octane computer graphics, via special guest Brian Smith: Creative Director at Minimal Massive and SIGGRAPH Vice Chair. He’ll be up first presenting the making of their most recent cinematic – a trailer for The Phoenix Point Next Life, which dropped just a few days ago and is very much hot off the press! A Cinema4D masterpiece from our own local masters.
This is all on the docket for Friday / June 21 / 6:30pm at OMSI’s Empirical Theater.
Tickets: $7 ($6 for OMSI members) at the door or online at this link –
Or, consider a festival pass, which allows you to attend any/all of the carefully curated screenings for the extended weekend $19/$16)! Program listings and pass info:
SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Traveling Show (2018), including presentation by Minimal Massive
As Part of the OMSI Animation Festival
Friday, June 21, 6:30pm (doors at 6)
OMSI Empirical Theater
1945 SE Water Ave, Portland, OR 97214
See you there!
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