The Cutting Edge Tour is a 30 city tour across the US with a goal of educating emerging and professional filmmakers about the precise cinematic language of motion, and how to move not only the camera itself, but also content in front of the camera. Classes are taught by editor and cinematographer for Saturday Night Live, Adam Epstein.  He is renowned for his work with SNL which can be found here.


Using the full, original source media and project files from some of the most popular pieces from the SNL Film Unit (such as The Beygency, and Louis C.K. Lincoln), Adam will share numerous techniques, theories and editorial insights into what goes into taking a piece from start to finish while under intense delivery deadlines.

Just like the graphic says, take $10 off the price of admission to the Portland stop when you use the VFX/PDX discount code “CTEPVFX” when checking out.  If this is as well run and on point as the Vincent Lafloret class that came through last month, it will be well worth it.

More information about the tour can be found here: